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just-lsp March 2025
RustLanguage ServersCompilers
A language server for just

just-lsp is a server implementation of the language server protocol for just, the command runner.

The server implements a decent amount of the language server protocol specifiction, like completions, hover, diagnostics, references, symbol renaming, etc.

Links: GitHub

treesitter.space March 2025
A web playground for tree-sitter

treesitter.space is an alternative web playground for tree-sitter, the parser generator tool and incremental parsing library.

It supports multiple languages, and uses the official web-tree-sitter library to load in WASM files for the various languages it supports.

Links: Website, GitHub

arrg February 2025
Build modular command-line applications in Python

arrg is a Python library for building modular command-line applications using a declarative, class-based approach.

It leverages Python type hints and decorators to simplify the creation of complex command-line interfaces with arguments and subcommands, while maintaining compatibility with the standard argparse library.

Links: GitHub, PyPI

microeconomics.study February 2025
ReactTypeScriptEducation Tech
Learn microeconomics in the browser

microeconomics.study is a simple website I built to help me do well on exams for ECON208, an entry level microeconomics course taught at McGill University

With the course evaluations being primarily multiple-choice exams of varying length, drilling a bunch of problems is the key to do well on them.

The site offers a nice web interface around a categorized problem bank, with a few other nice features like question navigation, exam simulation, and live feedback.

Links: Website, GitHub

minic January 2025
A compiler for a C-like language

minic is a compiler for a C-like language, written in Java.

It supports a wide range of features like functions, arrays, structs, recursion, etc.

To build the web playground I compiled to WASM and exported a single function compile that returns information about the program, e.g. tokens, ast, errors, etc.

The compiler targets MIPS assembly, and I couldn’t find any good existing simulators I could easily use in the browser, so I wrote my own.

This project was written as part of a compiler design course offered at McGill University

Links: GitHub

pqg September 2024
Generate synthetic pandas queries

pqg is a tool designed to help users generate synthetic pandas queries for training machine learning models that estimate query execution costs or predict cardinality.

I wrote this as part of a research course I took at McGill University, under the supervision of professor Bettina Kemme with the Distributed Information Systems Lab (DISL).

Links: Paper, GitHub, Website

mnist August 2024
A neural network

mnist is a neural network written from scratch with the goal of being able to recognize handwritten digits, written in pure Rust with minimal dependencies used in the training process.

You’re able to train and make predictions directly from the CLI. There’s also a subcommand to spawn an interactive GUI application where you can draw digits and have it perform live inference of the drawn figure.

Links: GitHub

proust July 2024
A learning tool

proust is a tool to help you learn more from static content.

It lets you define interactive workspaces, places where you can load in static content from disk or from the web, having it fully indexed and ready to be interacted with.

It runs fully client-side and in the browser.

Links: GitHub

llmbda October 2023
A large language model based propositional logic deduction assistant

llmbda was a research project I worked on for a natural language processing course I took at McGill University.

Alongside two friends, we came up with a plan to investigate how good large language models could be at parsing natural language into logical expressions.

For instance, we wanted to explore turning an expression like this:

COMP 202 and (COMP 250 or COMP 206) or permission of instructor

into this:

COMP 202 ∧ (COMP 250 ∨ COMP 206)

We explored a zero-shot, few-shot and fine-tuned alignment for various available language models, using the most accurate strategy in production for mcgill.courses course graph generation.

Links: GitHub

crisp September 2023
A toy lisp interpreter written in C.

crisp is a lisp written in C with a web playground compiled using WebAssembly. I wrote it initially to get more familiar with C using the book Build Your Own Lisp by Daniel Holden as a rough guide to follow.

Links: GitHub, Website

mem1p July 2023
Memorize your passphrases with ease.

mem1p is a tool that let’s you memorize new or existing passphrases easily.

It leverages Web-LLM and Stable Diffusion running on chromes recently shipped WebGPU to generate memorable sentences and images that help you better contextualize your passphrase.

This project was built during an internal hackathon with a few colleagues at 1Password during my Summer 2023 internship.

Links: Website

edmv June 2023
Bulk rename files with your favorite editor.

edmv provides a quick way to rename a bunch of files using any editor of your choosing.

It works by letting you provide valid paths on disk, having them opened up and editable in a temporary file on separate lines, and then performing any rename operations for modified lines upon exit.

The tool behaves as if you were running mv, and has a few integration tests that might be useful to check out as documentation.

Links: GitHub, Crates.io

skeleton May 2023
A project scaffolding utility

skeleton is a tool that makes it easier to start new projects.

It stores your commonly used project specific files in one place, letting you easily apply them to new projects.

In essence, a template is a file ending in .skeleton with a front-matter and content. The front-matter is structured YAML with effect and free variables.

An effect variable is pre-defined to perform some action, e.g. filename is used when applying a template and writing it to its appropriate location, command is used to apply a command post-write, etc.

A free variable is used to substitute into the templates content, you can also specify whether or not to be interactively prompted for these types of variables when applying templates.

skeleton is a re-implementation and improvement of a Python program I wrote a while back called bp, which you can find here.

Links: GitHub

pdfathom April 2023
Query PDFs in natural language from the command-line.

pdfathom is a command-line utility that lets you query PDF documents with natural language.

It lets you easily spawn a conversational repl environment with PDF documents on disk or in the cloud - building an in-memory question-answering agent with OpenAI embeddings and LangChain as the orchestrator.

Links: GitHub, PyPI

textmap April 2023
A heatmap-like visualization for text-based content.

This project was an experiment to see what it would be like to introduce similarity-based highlighting to text interfaces.

It works by chunking the input text into sentence vectors using Spacy and then ranking them based on their cosine similarity to other sentence vectors within the same body of text - giving them a score that falls within a range which can easily be mapped to a color.

Links: GitHub, Website

stream March 2023
A stream of thoughts.

I wrote stream as a way to post short snippets of text to a feed that isn’t crowded by noise and ads (cough Twitter).

It offers a few other niceties:

  • Authentication with GitHub
  • Post creation form with live markdown preview
  • Custom markdown renderer with syntax highlighting and math typesetting with KaTeX
  • Fast full-text search through the entire feed
  • Tag support with exact tag search - simply prefix queries with #

And it’s easily self-hostable with docker.

Links: GitHub, Website

mcgill.courses March 2023
A course search and review platform for McGill University.

A few friends and I decided to build this after noticing there was no real McGill-focused course discoverability and review site out there.

We support fast course/instructor search and exploration, alongside functionality for creating and interacting with course reviews.

Links: GitHub, Website

chatgpt.nvim December 2022
Query ChatGPT in Neovim.

This project is a simple wrapper around the ChatGPT API to allow for fast queries within the Neovim text editor.

I wrote this soon after an unofficial API wrapper came out for ChatGPT mostly as a way to explore writing Neovim plugins in Python.

Links: GitHub

mcgill.wtf September 2022
RustRedisFTSWeb Scraping
A low-latency full-text search engine for McGill's course catalog.

mcgill.wtf is a fast full-text search of McGill’s entire course catalog with a server implemented in Rust and an intuitive front-end built using React.

I was inspired to build this after seeing classes.wtf, a super fast course search engine for Harvard’s course catalog implemented by Eric Zhang - in addition to noticing a need for this considering McGill’s lack of full-text course search infrastructure.

Links: GitHub, Website

flint June 2022
Write custom, lightweight static checkers using the tree-sitter query language.

flint is a tool that makes it easy to write and distribute static checkers using the tree-sitter query language.

Checkers are specified in YAML files that follow a certain structure.

Links: GitHub

fx June 2022
Render art with commands.

fx is a simple command-based language for producing art based on texture input/output chaining.

This was a side experiment done before implementing GPU acceleration for degenerate, mostly as a way to fledge out the chaining technique with WebGL textures.

Links: GitHub

present February 2022
A script interpolation engine for markdown documents.

present is a tool that lets you interpolate the standard output of arbitrary scripts that get interpreted by the shell into your markdown documents.

It offers a nice way to automatically update sections of your markdown documents that might be the standard output of a command, such as command-line utility help outputs or benchmarks.

Simply add a suffix to the initial tag of markdown code-blocks using the format present <command>. When you execute the present binary on your document, it will run the specified <command>, and insert the resulting standard output within the same code-block.

Links: GitHub, Crates.io

ord January 2022
Rare and exotic sats.

I was an early contributor to ord, the index, block explorer, and command-line wallet for ordinals - the brain-child of Casey Rodarmor.

Ordinals are a numbering scheme for satoshis that allows tracking and transferring individual sats.

The work I did on ord was primarily focused on the block explorer and building out an initial wallet prototype to facilitate ordinal-aware transactions.

Links: GitHub, Manual, Website

degenerate December 2021
A generative art computer.

degenerate is a programmable generative art engine that runs in the browser that can be programmed with Rust or JavaScript.

Internally, it operates as a chain of image filters. The output of each filter is used as the input of the next filter. Programs configure the state of the current image filter and call render() to apply it.

Programs that are written in JavaScript are sent to a Web Worker for execution. The program then sends back a series of Filter objects from the worker, which are used to configure the renderer that runs in the main thread. The renderer renders to a full-page <canvas> element using WebGL.

I worked on this primarily in collaboration with Casey Rodarmor.

Links: GitHub, Manual, Website

tetris November 2021
A tetris clone written in vanilla JavaScript.

This was my first foray into ‘real’ game programming, among other things the project includes:

I wrote this as a final project for a game programming course I took at John Abbott College taught by Vikram Singh in my 5th semester.

Links: GitHub, Website

vim-profiler June 2021
A vim plugin profiler and data plotter.

vim-profiler is a light wrapper around the (n)vim --startuptime command that helps you visualize the bottlenecks in your (neo)vim startup time.

It operates by simply parsing the output of (n)vim --startuptime and giving options to view, export, or plot its parsed representation.

Links: GitHub, Crates.io

paragon April 2021
A lightweight command-line benchmarking utility for Python code.

paragon provides a simple way to benchmark arbitrary Python code.

It can be invoked directly from the command-line or called from within Python, and has support for rendering statistics, progress bars, and allowing users to export results to various file formats.

Links: GitHub, PyPI

zk February 2021
A note-taking tool based on the famous Zettelkasten method.

zk is a note-taking tool based on the famous Zettelkasten method with support for fuzzy searching, tags, and link exploration.

Fuzzy search is powered by skim with custom keybindings for recursive note exploration based on their links.

Links: GitHub, Crates.io

quwue February 2021
Meet new people on discord.

quwue is a discord bot for meeting new people.

All interaction with the bot is done via direct message, simply add it to your server and let the bot facilitate spontaneous user matchmaking and interactions.

This project was initially started by Casey, I joined development shortly after and we eventually got a nice MVP done - it even has flaky integration tests!

Links: GitHub

vim-crypto February 2021
View live cryptocurrency prices without leaving (neo)vim.

vim-crypto is a simple Neovim plugin for querying information about current cryptocurrency prices, populating a buffer with a nicely formatted table.

I grab all up-to-date price information from messari.

Links: GitHub

solve January 2021
A fully featured competitive programming workspace in the cloud.

solve is an interface for spinning up competitive programming workspaces quickly.

It allows for users to solve problems on various contest platforms, testing and submitting code directly from a single environment - in addition to letting you save these environments for later.

Code execution against sample test cases is handled by judge0 cloud.

Links: GitHub, Demo, Website

breakout December 2020
A simple Atari Breakout clone written in pure TypeScript.

breakout is a simple clone of the popular arcade video game developed and published by Atari - Breakout.

It’s a rudimentary clone that simply keeps track of a score and live count, with some basic sound effects to go along with the gameplay.

I wrote this as a final project for a basic web programming course I took at John Abbott College taught by Helen Katalifos in my 3rd semester.

Links: GitHub